Sep 12, 2012

Quick Post: Fifty Shades of Grey....

This is just a quick post as I am not done reading it, but I had to point out something. I will do a more thorough evaluation later once I have finished reading it.

The thing that I noticed though is that this book and Twilight are similar. Lets just say this is the more realistic and adult rated Twilight. First off he becomes attracted to a girl that is easily flustered that he can't figure out what it is about her but he has to have her. Second off he clearly has had a hard childhood and therefore has a somewhat dark secret to hide also Edward is a vampire so he kind of has a dark secret to hide too. In Breaking Dawn Edward forces Bella to accept a car. Im not to the point where Ana accepts it or not but Christen is trying to force a car on her. Both men are overbearing and overprotective in the male acquaintance department. They are also pushy about food. (I mean really if you drop bombs i.e. Im a vampire or Im into kinky sex how can you expect the women to eat. shesh) Both men have similar music tastes and are extremely wealthy. This is just what I have come up with so far and I just started reading an hour ago. Im sure that I will find more similarities and also I want to do a full review of this book and the whole series, so keep a look out for those post if your interested.

1 comment:

  1. 50 Shades of Grey started off as a Twilight fan fiction, so the similarities should be there.
