This page is going to be dedicated to Claire Bear in all her wonder.
Don't let this girls brains fool you, shes no push over. And thats a good thing here in Morganville since it seems that all vampires want to do is push you over.....and maybe drink your blood. Anywho, she showed up on our doorstep like a little lost lamb looking for someone to help her punch Monica right in the face...cough did I just say that? Well someone needs to slap a hoe.
When this little cutey moved in we took her right under our wings and gave her the break down fast. VAMPIRES ARE REAL. Yeah she laughed at first too, and called us crazy but eventually she got with the picture and started carrying her own little stake. Awe our babys grown up.
Now we are all involved in vampire drama, but Claire gets dragged in the most since she kinda has to work for them. Her boss is really crazy. I mean theres the fun crazy and then theres him. One of our converstations went like this:
“What was your name again?"
"Still Eve."
"No, I'm sure it's something else. That doesn't seem right.”
My name is still Eve if your wondering.
Then theres Oliver. Lets not even get into how I used to work for him and thought he was this cool harmless hippy. He is so not harmless. He almost forced Claire into a contract with him, but Amelie stepped in and saved her the only way she knew how. By making a contract. Vampires, you just can't win.
I don't know who is the lesser of the two evils out of them though. While Olivers bad, Amelie can do whatever she wants and gets away with it since shes the founder. Claire is working for Myrnin under her orders so you know she either thinks he can control himself enough not to kill her or she just doesnt care. Im betting on that last one cause lets face it vampires don't care about humans except when the next one is coming along as food or could be a potentially useful tool.
If your wondering about Claire's parents and why they would send their darling child into the nest of vipers, well they didn't know. See the outside world just thinks vampires belong in books and that was where the Danvers were until they showed up one day on our doorstep. They got the same rude awakening that Claire did, but they are as tough as their daughter and stuck it out. They raised a good kid and she had to get her smarts and bravery from somewhere right?
So anyway thats the back ground on CB and now Im going to risk death to bring you a picture of her bedroom. If you don't hear from me after this you know who did it.