Feb 3, 2012

Get A Life...I have one...sort of

The titles kind of funny.
So I was reading this 'The Ultimate Goth Guide' which is another blog out there on the world wide web and I thought it was really cute. Shes kind of doing her own blog about her life as a goth, which I think is great. I mean everyone wearing cute little goth clothing would make my day. If you haven't read this blog its pretty fun to read so give it a shot. Another one to read if you hate goths (which I don't know why your on my blog then) is the Superlative Goth Guide which is pretty much just debasing a whole sub culture on the fact that he hates them.

"firstly, i'd like to point out that i'm not the dribbling fucktard that, if the people in question find this blog, i will be made out to be. i'm not some over-zealous goth basher, nor am i some manson-listening, hot topic poseur. just covering all my bases you see."

At least hes very imaginative with his words. His first post was really great on what he thought goth was and how he thought everyone should stop trying to push the anything goes quota. I liked that a lot. Also just an fyi from me, you can wear black clothes and not be considered goth. Thats fine, you know black clothes are slimming. If you don't want to be goth then you aren't and thats fine, but at least let the ones who are enjoy it like they want to, which is where Im getting to the point with this blog.

It went from being a good good thing to and entirely I want to smother him in marshmallow sauce and not in a good way. It seems like it went from him clearly expressing his views to just goth bashing. Views are good, bashing is a no no with mistress Eve. If he goes back to the way his old posts were I would follow him, but if it keeps up thats just one less blog for me to read.

And yes before you ask, I did comment on his blog rather harshly. I think that when I started reading it I was reading the most recent posts which are more goth bashing than I care for. Otherwise I wouldn't have commented. Oh well, whats done is done and you guys can decided for yourselves which blogs to read or not. As for me I guess that Im still going to follow both blogs for now.

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