How You Doin

Me Myself and I; Eve
Feb 28, 2012
Hugry Hippos makes Shane hungry...
The things that boy can eat really scares me. Im sure that if it has been deemed edible at all he will try to devour it at least once. The only thing I have found that he doesn't like to eat is beets. Dont ask me why. He says purple didn't work for barney and it shouldn't be on a vegetable either. One afternoon I was so bored I chased him around the house with a beet. I quit when he said that he would call Myrnin and tell him about the time I 'borrowed' his bunny slippers to show Michael what to buy me for Christmas. Let's face it, Myrnin still creeps me out but I love those slippers. Its the only thing in his wardrobe/ that he has ever done right. I think Im even more scared of his fashion sense than I am of him, and thats saying something coming from me.
Anyway just a short post for tonight. Gonna read some more of the weird series about us. I wish the books would come out faster. Btw does anyone know if its true that there are only gonna be 12 books? What does that mean? That we all disappear? I would say I will wait and read the books to find out, but normally she writes about stuff thats already happened. Oh well.
Feb 22, 2012
Sugar puffs indeed...
The video that I watch curtesy of SnakeBitesSparkles, my new favorite when Im doped up on cough medicine because I love the way she talks. Its purty. Anyway from this video I have discovered a few things. #1 I really really really want to take a train ride to London, but the problem with that is I should be in Europe first before I can even think about London.
#2 I love the way she dresses, the tights are adorable and since I have started buying skirts again I will be falling in love with more tights. You don't need to see my pastie white legs anyway. #3 the first few seconds with the girl and the red cups makes me think of the red solo cup song. That song is just weird. #4 Tattoo's are pretty and I want more. I have one, and I have always wanted more but if I get anything else it has to mean something to me like my first one did. That way Im not just putting random things on my body, but things that are reminders to myself. #5 I really want her hair. I love that color and if I didn't think I would look very pale with it I would do it. Also if I wouldn't get fired from my job since I don't know if purple hair is allowed. Note to self ask Oliver. #6 Nose ring. Still want one. Nobody will ever get me to say that I dont want one. That doesn't mean that I will ever get one, it just means that I like them. #7 Drinking on a train is fun. Nuff said. #8 I <3 Jordan #9 I have no idea what the ace of space means or if thats even what they are saying. If you know, TELL ME #10 I want there to be a water slide in the olympics #11 Hes the only drummer in the band...#12 If you are actually watching the thing while reading this you will realize that I have written it in order. Just follow along and you will know what Im talking about, dont follow along and be like wtf shes mental. Wait,.....your normally like that anyway. Carry on. #13 I want to go to a concert. poo. #14 God they eat alot, more than shane. #15 If you watched it all the way through and read this all the way through I applaude you.
Enough with my crazy nyquil induced ramboling. Which by they way in case your wondering yes I do have a cold. I get them a lot actually and I do go I tyrades like this when I take medicine for it. Also this whole time in my head while typing this I have been speaking with a british accent.
Good night crazy world.
Feb 16, 2012
Some Good Reads...
I read way way too much. Yes most of you are probably thinking 'you can never read too much.' Sadly I have discover that you can when you start collecting the books that you read as sort of trophies to show off you accomplishments and discover that you have two humungous (yes I made up a word) book shelves double stacked full along with your dresser tops covered with books. I do indeed have a problem.
But I thought, hey why not share my problem with everyone else? So here I am, telling you about five books I have read this week and giving you the overview so you can see if you would like to read them or not. If enough people like this I may do it again. Also if I have read like #3 in a series, I'll put down #1 instead so you not jumping into the middle of it without knowing whats going on.
1: Blue is for Nightmares-Laurie Faria Stolaz
"I Know Your Secret . . ."
Boarding school junior Stacey Brown has nightmares too real to ignore. Her nightmares come true. This time they're about Drea, her best friend who's become the target of one seriously psycho stalker. To try and protect her, Stacey's working with what she knows-candles, cards, incantations, and spells...
2: Guilty Pleasures- Laurell K. Hamilton.
3. The Devil Inside-Jenna Black
Posession. Murder. Mayhem.
Let the games begin...
Exorcism isn’t a job, it’s a calling—and a curse. Just ask Morgan Kingsley, a woman who has a stronger aura than any Demon. Or so she thought. Now, in a pair of black leather pants and a kick-ass tattoo, Morgan is heading back to Philadelphia after a nasty little exorcism—and her life is about to be turned upside down…by the Demon that’s gotten inside her.
Not just any Demon. Six foot five inches of dark, delicious temptation, this one is to die for—that is, if he doesn’t get Morgan killed first. Because while some humans vilify Demons and others idolize them, Morgan’s Demon is leading a war of succession no human has ever imagined. For a woman trying to live a life, and hold on to the almost-perfect man, being possessed by a gorgeous rebel Demon will mean a wild ride of uninhibited thrills, shocking surprises, and pure, unadulterated terror. . . .
4. Working for the Devil-Lilith Saintcrow
The Player: Necromance-for-hire Dante Valentine is choosy about her jobs. Hot tempered and with nerves of steel, she can raise the dead like nobody's business. But one rainy Monday morning, everything goes straight to hell.
The Score: The Devil hires Dante to eliminate a rogue demon: Vardimal Santino. In return, he will let her live. It's an offer she can't refuse.
The Catch: How do you kill something that can't die?
5. House and Philosophy: Everybody Lies- Henry Jacob
An unauthorized look at the philosophical issues raised by one of today's most popular television shows: House
House is one of the top three television dramas on the air, pulling in more than 19 million viewers for each episode. This latest book in the popular Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture series takes a deeper look at the characters and issues raised in this Emmy Award-winning medical drama, offering entertaining answers to the fascinating ethical questions viewers have about Dr. Gregory House and his medical team.
All of the overviews are not mine. I got them from Barnes and Nobel where you can purchase the books if you liked them enough to read them.
Feb 4, 2012
Movies I think people should watch...
That is just a few that I think you should watch. I'll come back with more later.
New Underworld...havent seen it don't read. Spoilers...

So we all knew they were going to go there with the whole you have a kid thing. Personally I thought it was going to happen in the second movie when I thought her boy toy was dead, but nope they saved it so they could keep the Underworld train going.
Don't get me wrong, I actually liked it even though it was slightly predictable. Its taking place in the near future where, since Alexander Corvinus died in the second movie, the human world now knows about vampires and lycans. The human populace starts an epidemic called the cleansing where they find out which people are lycans or vampires and destroy them. Selene and Michael try to escape from America to another place where they will not be persecuted as vampire and whatever the hell Michael is. Sadly they don't make it, and it is thought at least by me through the whole movie that Michael is dead. I was like 'really? Kill off the hottie and lose half your fan base.' But it turned out alright in the end cause he was alive. Anyway back to the story. Selene gets captured and frozen and when she wakes up not only does she think Michael is dead but she finds out that she has a daughter. The daughter is ultra special and the bad guys who happen to be lycans (knew I hated werewolves for a reason) want to use her to become immune to silver. The only problem is that they are going to kill her for that. So Selene goes in to save the day and her, her daughter, another vampire, and a human save the day and kick lots of ass.
Good movie overall. Love the series. I vote that people should see them.
But this movie does bring up the question of what would happen if the outside world found out about vampires? Would they be able to band together and destroy them like they did in this movie, or would they all be enslaved like we are here in Morganville? I don't really want to think about unsuspecting people finding out their nightmares are real and that they have no real way of dealing with it. Yeah sure we have bigger numbers than the vampires but lets face it, lots of people would die before we took them all out. Most people when facing them or a loved one dying would rather just put up with the vampires than risk freedom for everyone else. Besides that, if they did take out the vampires they would take them all out. Including Michael. I doubt they would believe 'don't worry hes a good vampire. He doesn't bite much.' No they would probably stake him on site. So I guess my thought is that no, I hope the outside world never finds out about Morganville. Us locals can handle it just fine. We haven't all gotten ourselves killed so far, and I doubt we plan to anytime soon.
Track List:
Made of Stone (Renholdër Remix) – Evanescence
Heavy Prey – Lacey Sturm of Flyleaf feat. Geno Lenardo
Blackout (Renholdër Remix) – Linkin Park
Apart (Renholdër Remix) – The Cure
Killer & a Queen – Stella Katsoudas of Sister Soleil feat. Geno Lenardo
Watch Yourself (Renholdër Remix) – Ministry
Trip the Darkness (Ben Weinman Remix) – Lacuna Coil
Young Blood (Renholdër Remix) – The Naked and Famous
It Rapes All In Its Path – Black Light Burns
The Posthumous Letter – William Control
How’m I Supposed to Die- Civil Twilight
Consolation Prize – & SONS
Liar (Revenant mix by 8mm) – 8MM
You Won’t See The Light – Ryan T.Hope of The Lifeline feat. Geno Lenardo
Bottle of Pain – Combichrist
Intruder – Collide
Exit Wounds (Justin Lassen Remix) – Justin Lassen feat. Silent Fury
Some of these songs are the originals since I couldn't find the remix on youtube. Also couldn't find half the songs yer, sorry. You find them why don't you post them in a comment.
Feb 3, 2012
Whatever I have on my mind atm....
Picture at top: Anyway first things first I should say that no the picture at the top is not me (though I wish it was cause come on shes gorgeous). It is what I think Eve would look like (with less white face makeup on cause lets face it Eve probably wears a lot and we love her for it.) I also have a facebook with her as my Eve. If I actually dyed my hair black, yeah sure I would put my picture up as Eve but my hair is red with blond in the front and in the books it is clearly stated that Eve has black hair. Sad. So for now unless I decided to dye my hair black she is going to be my Eve.
Point of this blog: I have a bad feeling that someday someone might post and ask what the point of this blog is so Im just going to lay it out there right now. And yes I know that was a run on sentence.
I decided to make a blog in the view of one of my favorite book characters since our personality's are very similar and I thought that it would go good with some rping sites that I do. Some of the posts are going to be kind of like a day in the life of Morganville but a lot are just going to be about every day things and how I think Eve would handle and react to them. Most of you are probably like 'do you not have anything better to do'. Well I could be working more but I think that three jobs was enough to last me a life time thanks, I read a lot anyway in between, and I play video games. So to answer you question no I don't have anything better to do. Sure I hang out with friends. But I think that everyone makes a blog at one point or another and this is mine. eventually I may get bored of it but for now I will keep posting.
If you hate this blog: Thats great. You can leave constructive criticism in a comment or e-mail but if I really think your just being rude or hateful I'll just delete your post. Nothing personal against you, but this site is to have fun. If you really hate it to the point were your cussing me out in every other post then dont read it. I wont mind really.
One last thing before I go: You don't have to read the Morganville Vampires book series to follow my blog. Though it would be really great if you did, but as I said I will also post topics about everyday things and you can read those, but if there is a very obvious Morganville post and you have no idea whats going on in any of the subject matter, please don't post. You want to post something about vampires that you think will help? That cool. You want to post something about one thing that I said that you know absolutely everything on? Thats fine too. What Im talking about is dont post something like "that could never happen in blah blah blah book its like this" well were not talking about blah blah blah book now are we. Stuff that happens in this book series 'happens'. I don't just randomly say 'and then werewolves show up.' No I get something to talk about from what happens in the books or from Rachel Caine's website. If you have a question about what to write or if something is appropriate or not my e-mail is That is the one that I am going to be using for comments from this website so if you spam I'll care but not that much.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
More on the world of wankers...
Yep I went there. Which means that in turn Im being a dickwad too, but oh well.
I think that there is constructive criticism and then theres just plain hatefulness. You don't have to bash people specifically, you can leave them a comment or two on what you think they could improve on or maybe write them a message.
Anyway all I'm saying is yes we all aren't going to love each other, but we can at least be polite about things. And now your probably all wondering where Eve has gone and what alien has replaced her. Well that was nice time Eve right then and now were back to the fuck them up if they're assholes Eve.
You want to be a dick? Great do it on your own time and don't involve others. Don't personally attack people day after day just cause you feel like it. Let it breath and find something else to do otherwise you'll just end up being an asshole for the rest of your life which may be great for you but not for the rest of us who have to deal with you. One day you may meet an even bigger cunt than yourself and then I want you to tell everyone about it and let us know how you feel. Okay cupcake?
This is mainly for anyone out there who thinks they have an enemy and wants to make their life miserable. Don't. They aren't your enemy unless they say it to your face. Even going 'your the Voldemort to my Harry Potter' doesn't count cause it could mean that he just has a lightning shaped scar and you look like a snake. Im not sprouting the whole carebears crap of lets be friends. You can hate them sure, but don't go out of your way to make their lives miserable. Cause then what have you done with your life? Anyway haters gonna hate and all that crap.....
Get A Life...I have one...sort of
The titles kind of funny.
So I was reading this 'The Ultimate Goth Guide' which is another blog out there on the world wide web and I thought it was really cute. Shes kind of doing her own blog about her life as a goth, which I think is great. I mean everyone wearing cute little goth clothing would make my day. If you haven't read this blog its pretty fun to read so give it a shot. Another one to read if you hate goths (which I don't know why your on my blog then) is the Superlative Goth Guide which is pretty much just debasing a whole sub culture on the fact that he hates them.
"firstly, i'd like to point out that i'm not the dribbling fucktard that, if the people in question find this blog, i will be made out to be. i'm not some over-zealous goth basher, nor am i some manson-listening, hot topic poseur. just covering all my bases you see."
At least hes very imaginative with his words. His first post was really great on what he thought goth was and how he thought everyone should stop trying to push the anything goes quota. I liked that a lot. Also just an fyi from me, you can wear black clothes and not be considered goth. Thats fine, you know black clothes are slimming. If you don't want to be goth then you aren't and thats fine, but at least let the ones who are enjoy it like they want to, which is where Im getting to the point with this blog.
It went from being a good good thing to and entirely I want to smother him in marshmallow sauce and not in a good way. It seems like it went from him clearly expressing his views to just goth bashing. Views are good, bashing is a no no with mistress Eve. If he goes back to the way his old posts were I would follow him, but if it keeps up thats just one less blog for me to read.
And yes before you ask, I did comment on his blog rather harshly. I think that when I started reading it I was reading the most recent posts which are more goth bashing than I care for. Otherwise I wouldn't have commented. Oh well, whats done is done and you guys can decided for yourselves which blogs to read or not. As for me I guess that Im still going to follow both blogs for now.