I have been gone from blogging for way to long, but I think that I am going to start blogging more now. Just a quick update on whats been going on in my life.
I have been diagnosed with 46 different food allergies and am going through testing to see what else is wrong with my stomach. I have been throwing up at least twice a day since February. Its not been fun. I am currently on a break from my job (the jail. I am now officially a jailer) and from school (cosmetology school) until we figure out everything that is making me sick.
Other than that nothing else new has really been going on, since I've mainly been in bed the whole time.
Anyway keep a look out for new posts coming soon.
'Boys' I'd turn gay if they weren't so sexy'
How You Doin

Me Myself and I; Eve
Apr 16, 2013
Oct 9, 2012
As you can tell I haven't been on here much lately and that is because I have discovered Tumblr. If you want to see what I'm up to check out these two tumblrs:
In the meantime I will try to blog more on here, but Im really enjoying tumblr right now. Anyway toodles.
In the meantime I will try to blog more on here, but Im really enjoying tumblr right now. Anyway toodles.
Sep 12, 2012
Quick Post: Fifty Shades of Grey....
This is just a quick post as I am not done reading it, but I had to point out something. I will do a more thorough evaluation later once I have finished reading it.
The thing that I noticed though is that this book and Twilight are similar. Lets just say this is the more realistic and adult rated Twilight. First off he becomes attracted to a girl that is easily flustered that he can't figure out what it is about her but he has to have her. Second off he clearly has had a hard childhood and therefore has a somewhat dark secret to hide also Edward is a vampire so he kind of has a dark secret to hide too. In Breaking Dawn Edward forces Bella to accept a car. Im not to the point where Ana accepts it or not but Christen is trying to force a car on her. Both men are overbearing and overprotective in the male acquaintance department. They are also pushy about food. (I mean really if you drop bombs i.e. Im a vampire or Im into kinky sex how can you expect the women to eat. shesh) Both men have similar music tastes and are extremely wealthy. This is just what I have come up with so far and I just started reading an hour ago. Im sure that I will find more similarities and also I want to do a full review of this book and the whole series, so keep a look out for those post if your interested.
The thing that I noticed though is that this book and Twilight are similar. Lets just say this is the more realistic and adult rated Twilight. First off he becomes attracted to a girl that is easily flustered that he can't figure out what it is about her but he has to have her. Second off he clearly has had a hard childhood and therefore has a somewhat dark secret to hide also Edward is a vampire so he kind of has a dark secret to hide too. In Breaking Dawn Edward forces Bella to accept a car. Im not to the point where Ana accepts it or not but Christen is trying to force a car on her. Both men are overbearing and overprotective in the male acquaintance department. They are also pushy about food. (I mean really if you drop bombs i.e. Im a vampire or Im into kinky sex how can you expect the women to eat. shesh) Both men have similar music tastes and are extremely wealthy. This is just what I have come up with so far and I just started reading an hour ago. Im sure that I will find more similarities and also I want to do a full review of this book and the whole series, so keep a look out for those post if your interested.
Aug 30, 2012
Quick random thought...
Has anyone noticed how similar Jesse Bradford and Colin Farrell look so similar?!
Another thing Im on a movie rant. Just finished Cake Eaters and Hackers, anyone have anythingelse that they think I should watch? Im going throught the free movies on On Demand but I could be persuaded to go to rent a movie if I think its good enough. You think you have a good one for me? Leave a comment and I'll look it up.
Another thing Im on a movie rant. Just finished Cake Eaters and Hackers, anyone have anythingelse that they think I should watch? Im going throught the free movies on On Demand but I could be persuaded to go to rent a movie if I think its good enough. You think you have a good one for me? Leave a comment and I'll look it up.
My Thoughts On: Kristen Stewart
So first maybe I should go over the cheating thing since its the first thing on everyones mind. I don't really care that she cheated. Yeah it was horrible of her but thats in her own personal life, none of my busniess. Its not going ot effect my watching her movies. No one should really have the right to judge her, since its her life and not ours. So thats my thought on the cheating scandel onto my real point: her movies.
My friends all say they don't like her and she cant act thanks to the twilight movie. My response is that Bella was a very hard character to protray since she was kind of bland to fit every teenage girl. Every other role that she has played she has done great. From Cake Eaters to Speak she has played really diffucult roles and acceled at them. So when I hear people say she can't act I always have to point out she can act better than they probably can.
So thats just a rambling going on my head right now because I'm watching one of her movies.
My friends all say they don't like her and she cant act thanks to the twilight movie. My response is that Bella was a very hard character to protray since she was kind of bland to fit every teenage girl. Every other role that she has played she has done great. From Cake Eaters to Speak she has played really diffucult roles and acceled at them. So when I hear people say she can't act I always have to point out she can act better than they probably can.
So thats just a rambling going on my head right now because I'm watching one of her movies.
Aug 27, 2012
My Other Blog...Makeup/CLeaning your face....
Heres another I thought I would share.
I decided to write this because I have been watching way to many tutorial's on youtube ab0ut what products to buy and how to apply makeup and I thought why not blog about it since I have no idea how to make video's with my camera yet. So hope that this is useful to you, or at least entertaining.
I like to wash my face when I get up in the mornings with three different products while Im in the shower. The first is St. Ives Apricot Scrub, and if you do end up using the I suggest just using it once or twice a week since your dead skin doesn't come back that quickly. I gently rub this around the areas that are really starting to peal and it takes off all the dead skin. This may be a harsh product for some people since I find that it is slightly rough on the face. If you find it to be the same way you should look for a product that doesn't leave your face feeling like it has been man handled. You can play around with different products to see which one works best for you, but make sure that your not allergic to the ingredients in the product before you try it. You don't want to wake up with red splotches all over your face do you?
The next thing that I use is Clean&Clear Deep Action Exfoliating Scrub. Now if you use this it has the beads in it to exfoliate your skin so you don't have to use an exfoliate before it, but you can if you are like me and you really really want that dead skin gone. This product ends up making my face feel fresh and clean and has a cold tingly feeling once your done using it. As I stated before make sure your not allergic before using.
The last thing that I use is Oily Skin Foaming Facial Wash from CO Bigelow, which you should be able to find still at Bath and Body Works if not then I think that it is out of stock but you can find a different version of it at their Website. I use this because I get really oily skin when Im out running around all day, so I need something that will keep it away longer and this helps a lot.
Sometimes I may switch out the above product with LUXIVA Foaming Cleanser Normal/Oily. You should be able to pick this up at you locale Merle Norman, and they have different types for if you have dry skin to normal skin.
Well thats all I have for you now, if you like this enough I may do another on different products or different types of makeup. So comment and let me know what you think!
I decided to write this because I have been watching way to many tutorial's on youtube ab0ut what products to buy and how to apply makeup and I thought why not blog about it since I have no idea how to make video's with my camera yet. So hope that this is useful to you, or at least entertaining.
I like to wash my face when I get up in the mornings with three different products while Im in the shower. The first is St. Ives Apricot Scrub, and if you do end up using the I suggest just using it once or twice a week since your dead skin doesn't come back that quickly. I gently rub this around the areas that are really starting to peal and it takes off all the dead skin. This may be a harsh product for some people since I find that it is slightly rough on the face. If you find it to be the same way you should look for a product that doesn't leave your face feeling like it has been man handled. You can play around with different products to see which one works best for you, but make sure that your not allergic to the ingredients in the product before you try it. You don't want to wake up with red splotches all over your face do you?
The next thing that I use is Clean&Clear Deep Action Exfoliating Scrub. Now if you use this it has the beads in it to exfoliate your skin so you don't have to use an exfoliate before it, but you can if you are like me and you really really want that dead skin gone. This product ends up making my face feel fresh and clean and has a cold tingly feeling once your done using it. As I stated before make sure your not allergic before using.
The last thing that I use is Oily Skin Foaming Facial Wash from CO Bigelow, which you should be able to find still at Bath and Body Works if not then I think that it is out of stock but you can find a different version of it at their Website. I use this because I get really oily skin when Im out running around all day, so I need something that will keep it away longer and this helps a lot.
Sometimes I may switch out the above product with LUXIVA Foaming Cleanser Normal/Oily. You should be able to pick this up at you locale Merle Norman, and they have different types for if you have dry skin to normal skin.
Well thats all I have for you now, if you like this enough I may do another on different products or different types of makeup. So comment and let me know what you think!
My Other Blog...Healthy Choices...
This post was on my other blog but I wanted to share it with all of you.
Things like natural remedies, taking Vitamins and exercising seem to be all the rage in today’s society with being skinny being the new fad. The skinner and healthier you are the more liked and more looked upon with praise you are. But doing things like taking Vitamins and natural remedies are sometimes questioned. Do they really make us more healthy or are we just fooling ourselves?
Its not just taking Vitamins that we should be doing, though they help too. We should also be focusing on what we put into our bodies food and drink wise. It has been shown that certain foods have enough vitamins and nutrients to help fight off different types of diseases. Some examples of foods to eat are: Mushrooms which have Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, selenium, and cancer preventing properties; Goji berries which contain Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, Beta carotene, zeaxanthin, and can help eyesight and help prevent age-related macular degeneration; and Flaxseed and soybeans which help fight breast cancer. These are only a few of the many foods out there that can help fight different disease and give you the essential vitamins and minerals that you need on a daily basis. One of the main drinks that people can switch to drinking to help them out is tea. There are four different types of tea in the world: Red, Black, White, and Green. The two types of tea that help the most and that doctors recommend drinking every day are white and green to help fight cancer and heart attacks. It is so easy to live healthier just by switching your diet around a little, but even if you don’t do that there are still different types of vitamins that you can take to help you live healthier.
It is a known fact that there are a lot of types of vitamins in the world today and not everyone is going to take every single one of them, but there are a few important ones that you should pay close attention too. When your younger you need lots of Vitamins A, C, and Calcium to help with Vision, cell development, immune function, making collagen, fighting free radicals, and bone growth. Now that your older most of those things are done and you need to worry about a whole new set of vitamins like magnesium, potassium, fiber, iron, and zinc just to name a few, for your every day functions. They keep your body going if you don’t get enough in the foods you eat. Now your wondering if this is enough to keep you healthy and what do you do if you end up sick anyway?
Well there are natural cures out there that you can use to help you instead of antibiotics, since there is a scare about bacteria becoming resistant to them. One of the most well know natural cures to problems is Aloe Vera which helps with healing minor burns and sunburns, antifungal infections, has antioxidants, and is wound healing. The best part is that it is easily grown in your backyard. Another remedy that is well known is Ginger. It helps Ease digestive upset, diarrhea, and the urge to vomit. Also helps rheumatoid arthritis, or common joint and muscle pain. Also another thing easy to come by since you can find it in most grocery stores. One natural remedy that people aren’t as familiar with is Dandelions. They are a source of Vitamin A, helps the liver detoxify, kidneys eliminate waste products, and digestive problems. Who knew that a weed could be so helpful?
Most people are finding themselves looking at more natural remedies with the threat of antibiotics not working anymore, and most health associations encourage it. If people really want to learn healthier ways to live they can check out books from the library, talk to the heath care officials, and read web sources on things that are good to eat and that help cure natural aliments.
Other things you should know/be able to use:
Food to eat/drink:
-Coldwater fish: salmon tuna, mackerel=contain nutrients to promote a healthy heart, improve mental function and clarity, and to alleviate depression
-Tea: jasmine, sanpin, oolong tea, white tea=free radical fighters, and reduces risks of heart attack
-Tomatoes=fights cancers of the prostate, lung, stomach, pancreas, colon, rectum, esophagus, mouth, breast, and cervix
-Citrus fruits=vitamin C and fights free radicals
-Sweet potatoes=Anticancer compounds, Vitamin A, and beta carotene
-Flaxseed and soybeans=fight breast cancer
-Kiwi=Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Potassium, Vitamin A, reduces inflammatory response, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, colon cancer, atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease
-Walnuts=Protects arteries, Alpha linolenic acid, and plant based fatty acids
-Blood oranges=Vitamin C, Colds
-Goji berries=Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, Beta carotene, zeaxanthin, can help eyesight and help prevent age-related macular degeneration
-Sea buckthorn=Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Beta Carotene, bioflavonoids, omega-9 fatty acid, anti inflammatory and help tissues heal
-Mangosteens= boost immune health
-Garbanzo beans=Fiber, lower cholesterol, prevent heart disease, constipation, digestive problems, keeps blood sugar stable, lower blood pressure
-Mushrooms=Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, selenium, cancer preventing properties
-A=Vision, cell development, and immune function
-C=help make collagen, and fights free radicals
-Calcium=bone health
-Magnesium=risk of diabetes drops, osteoporosis, and prevent migraine headaches
-Potassium=control blood pressure
-Fiber=heart disease, intestinal function, and digestive problems, cholesterol and blood sugar
-Folate=rapid cell division and growth such as infancy and pregnancy
-B12=help make DNA, healthy nerve and red blood cells
-B6=nervous system and immune system
-D=promoting calcium absorption, strong bones, lung cancer
-Selenium=free-radical damage and boosts immune function
-Zinc=immune health, proper thyroid function and wound healing, improves sense of smell and taste
Herbs and Healing:
-Aloe Vera=Heal minor burns and sunburns, antifungal, antioxidant, wound healing.
-Astragalus=Bolster the immune system, common cold, upper respiratory infections.
-Bilberry=prevent cataracts, varicose veins, and other circulatory problems. Is used in treating Diabetes.
-Black Cohosh= symptoms of menopause, vaginal dryness, night sweats, hot flashes, menstrual irregularities and premenstrual syndrome. Can lower blood pressure
-Cranberry= prevent urinary tract infections, antioxidant and anticancer activity.
-Dandelion=Source of Vitamin A, liver detoxify, kidneys eliminate waste products minor, and digestive problems.
-Echinacea=treat or prevent colds, flu, and upper respiratory infections. Stimulates the immune system.
-Evening Primrose Oil=Contains gamma-linolenic acid. rheumatoid arthritis, women with PMS, and with breast pain.
-Feverfew=Migraine, headaches, and rheumatoid arthritis.
-Flaxseed and Flaxseed oil=Hot flashes, breast pain, and arthritis. Effective laxative.
-Garlic=Cold or flu, reduce high cholesterol, and plaque in arteries.
-Ginger=Ease digestive upset, diarrhea, and the urge to vomit. Also rheumatoid arthritis, or common joint and muscle pain.
-Ginkgo=Memory booster, circulation, and better blood flow. Good for Alzheimer’s and senility to tinnitus and macular degeneration.
Things like natural remedies, taking Vitamins and exercising seem to be all the rage in today’s society with being skinny being the new fad. The skinner and healthier you are the more liked and more looked upon with praise you are. But doing things like taking Vitamins and natural remedies are sometimes questioned. Do they really make us more healthy or are we just fooling ourselves?
Its not just taking Vitamins that we should be doing, though they help too. We should also be focusing on what we put into our bodies food and drink wise. It has been shown that certain foods have enough vitamins and nutrients to help fight off different types of diseases. Some examples of foods to eat are: Mushrooms which have Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, selenium, and cancer preventing properties; Goji berries which contain Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, Beta carotene, zeaxanthin, and can help eyesight and help prevent age-related macular degeneration; and Flaxseed and soybeans which help fight breast cancer. These are only a few of the many foods out there that can help fight different disease and give you the essential vitamins and minerals that you need on a daily basis. One of the main drinks that people can switch to drinking to help them out is tea. There are four different types of tea in the world: Red, Black, White, and Green. The two types of tea that help the most and that doctors recommend drinking every day are white and green to help fight cancer and heart attacks. It is so easy to live healthier just by switching your diet around a little, but even if you don’t do that there are still different types of vitamins that you can take to help you live healthier.
It is a known fact that there are a lot of types of vitamins in the world today and not everyone is going to take every single one of them, but there are a few important ones that you should pay close attention too. When your younger you need lots of Vitamins A, C, and Calcium to help with Vision, cell development, immune function, making collagen, fighting free radicals, and bone growth. Now that your older most of those things are done and you need to worry about a whole new set of vitamins like magnesium, potassium, fiber, iron, and zinc just to name a few, for your every day functions. They keep your body going if you don’t get enough in the foods you eat. Now your wondering if this is enough to keep you healthy and what do you do if you end up sick anyway?
Well there are natural cures out there that you can use to help you instead of antibiotics, since there is a scare about bacteria becoming resistant to them. One of the most well know natural cures to problems is Aloe Vera which helps with healing minor burns and sunburns, antifungal infections, has antioxidants, and is wound healing. The best part is that it is easily grown in your backyard. Another remedy that is well known is Ginger. It helps Ease digestive upset, diarrhea, and the urge to vomit. Also helps rheumatoid arthritis, or common joint and muscle pain. Also another thing easy to come by since you can find it in most grocery stores. One natural remedy that people aren’t as familiar with is Dandelions. They are a source of Vitamin A, helps the liver detoxify, kidneys eliminate waste products, and digestive problems. Who knew that a weed could be so helpful?
Most people are finding themselves looking at more natural remedies with the threat of antibiotics not working anymore, and most health associations encourage it. If people really want to learn healthier ways to live they can check out books from the library, talk to the heath care officials, and read web sources on things that are good to eat and that help cure natural aliments.
Other things you should know/be able to use:
Food to eat/drink:
-Coldwater fish: salmon tuna, mackerel=contain nutrients to promote a healthy heart, improve mental function and clarity, and to alleviate depression
-Tea: jasmine, sanpin, oolong tea, white tea=free radical fighters, and reduces risks of heart attack
-Tomatoes=fights cancers of the prostate, lung, stomach, pancreas, colon, rectum, esophagus, mouth, breast, and cervix
-Citrus fruits=vitamin C and fights free radicals
-Sweet potatoes=Anticancer compounds, Vitamin A, and beta carotene
-Flaxseed and soybeans=fight breast cancer
-Kiwi=Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Potassium, Vitamin A, reduces inflammatory response, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, colon cancer, atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease
-Walnuts=Protects arteries, Alpha linolenic acid, and plant based fatty acids
-Blood oranges=Vitamin C, Colds
-Goji berries=Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, Beta carotene, zeaxanthin, can help eyesight and help prevent age-related macular degeneration
-Sea buckthorn=Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Beta Carotene, bioflavonoids, omega-9 fatty acid, anti inflammatory and help tissues heal
-Mangosteens= boost immune health
-Garbanzo beans=Fiber, lower cholesterol, prevent heart disease, constipation, digestive problems, keeps blood sugar stable, lower blood pressure
-Mushrooms=Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, selenium, cancer preventing properties
-A=Vision, cell development, and immune function
-C=help make collagen, and fights free radicals
-Calcium=bone health
-Magnesium=risk of diabetes drops, osteoporosis, and prevent migraine headaches
-Potassium=control blood pressure
-Fiber=heart disease, intestinal function, and digestive problems, cholesterol and blood sugar
-Folate=rapid cell division and growth such as infancy and pregnancy
-B12=help make DNA, healthy nerve and red blood cells
-B6=nervous system and immune system
-D=promoting calcium absorption, strong bones, lung cancer
-Selenium=free-radical damage and boosts immune function
-Zinc=immune health, proper thyroid function and wound healing, improves sense of smell and taste
Herbs and Healing:
-Aloe Vera=Heal minor burns and sunburns, antifungal, antioxidant, wound healing.
-Astragalus=Bolster the immune system, common cold, upper respiratory infections.
-Bilberry=prevent cataracts, varicose veins, and other circulatory problems. Is used in treating Diabetes.
-Black Cohosh= symptoms of menopause, vaginal dryness, night sweats, hot flashes, menstrual irregularities and premenstrual syndrome. Can lower blood pressure
-Cranberry= prevent urinary tract infections, antioxidant and anticancer activity.
-Dandelion=Source of Vitamin A, liver detoxify, kidneys eliminate waste products minor, and digestive problems.
-Echinacea=treat or prevent colds, flu, and upper respiratory infections. Stimulates the immune system.
-Evening Primrose Oil=Contains gamma-linolenic acid. rheumatoid arthritis, women with PMS, and with breast pain.
-Feverfew=Migraine, headaches, and rheumatoid arthritis.
-Flaxseed and Flaxseed oil=Hot flashes, breast pain, and arthritis. Effective laxative.
-Garlic=Cold or flu, reduce high cholesterol, and plaque in arteries.
-Ginger=Ease digestive upset, diarrhea, and the urge to vomit. Also rheumatoid arthritis, or common joint and muscle pain.
-Ginkgo=Memory booster, circulation, and better blood flow. Good for Alzheimer’s and senility to tinnitus and macular degeneration.
Aug 6, 2012
Quick Teen Wolf Post....
Just a quick Teen Wolf post before bed. Just finished the episode before the season finale and my thoughts are this:
All the Argents except papa argent should die. I kinda liked Allison first season, but now she has major suckage going on. Dont even get me started on Gerard.
Need more Lydia parts.
What happened to Stiles? If he dies Im boycotting.
Need more Sterek. Yes they probably wont be a real couple but I do like the awkward moments like last episode. At least Matt gets one point for that.
Are Erika and Boyd together? Lots of hand holding.
Is Issac going to end up following Scott?
Don't even want to know what Peters game is, but if he can somehow end up looking like when he was younger I will be happy. Don't get me wrong, I think hes a handsome man now, but I liked Lydia and him before.
I think Jackson may have a heart. If only he would leave Lydia out of it. Yes they are cute, but two dysfunctional people do not make a great couple.
Is Jackson related to Derek?
Does Derek hate Scott?
Will Allison try to kill Scott?
Will Gerard kill Allison?
Toooooo many questions and thoughts to write in one post. Going to bed. May continue this tomorrow, but Im hoping that some of you guys will have wrote your thoughts out too so we can compare notes. Night.
All the Argents except papa argent should die. I kinda liked Allison first season, but now she has major suckage going on. Dont even get me started on Gerard.
Need more Lydia parts.
What happened to Stiles? If he dies Im boycotting.
Need more Sterek. Yes they probably wont be a real couple but I do like the awkward moments like last episode. At least Matt gets one point for that.
Are Erika and Boyd together? Lots of hand holding.
Is Issac going to end up following Scott?
Don't even want to know what Peters game is, but if he can somehow end up looking like when he was younger I will be happy. Don't get me wrong, I think hes a handsome man now, but I liked Lydia and him before.
I think Jackson may have a heart. If only he would leave Lydia out of it. Yes they are cute, but two dysfunctional people do not make a great couple.
Is Jackson related to Derek?
Does Derek hate Scott?
Will Allison try to kill Scott?
Will Gerard kill Allison?
Toooooo many questions and thoughts to write in one post. Going to bed. May continue this tomorrow, but Im hoping that some of you guys will have wrote your thoughts out too so we can compare notes. Night.
Teen Wolf Makeup...Lydia...
So since I still can't figure out how to upload videos to YouTube from my phone(the only camera I have atm) I decided to do a written makeup tutorial. It sounds kind of weird but I wanted to give it a try. Let me know if you love it or hate it.
Ok first, of course, you start out with a clean face. Apply your moisturizer to make sure makeup goes on evenly and to keep you face looking fresh all day. Depending on your skin type you want to find a face primer that suits you. I have found that if you have dry skin the Victoria's Secret makeup primer is good and if you have oily skin you might want to use a Lancome or something that has something in it to suck up the oil throughout the day. Don't forget to put on eyeshadow primer. This keeps you eyes vibrant and fresh all day, and makes the eye shadow stand out with more pigmented color. After you do all of that, put on a foundation and powder that is light. She looks pretty pale in this series so keep it light.
First Im going to start off by doing the eyes. That way if there is any fall out from the shadow you can wipe it off and then put your foundation on for even face coverage. So to start with your going to take a brown with a slightly redish pigment to it, and put it along your crease. This is going to accentuate the depth of the eye. Then take a white shadow with a slight shimmer (not to much or it could over power the look) and put that across the lid. I like to do this step after the crease shadow is on so if i get the crease on the lid I can just wipe it off and cover it. Next your going to take a brown or black eyeliner(both colors would look good with this) and line the top of your eyelid. Don't do your water line. If you want something on your water line use white, because Holland Roden has wide looking eyes. Then put on your mascara, false eyelashes are optional but if you do put them on keep them thin. The point of Lydia's look isn't her eyes, its her lips. So you want to keep the eyes a little understated so the lips pop.
Next were going to move on to the cheeks. This one is really an easy step. There are two ways you can wear the blush. One is on the apples( the round part under your eyes) or you can define your cheeks with it, which is what I usually do. How you do this is by sucking in you cheeks and making a fish face. Take the blush and run it along the line that you see there. Don't get to much as again this look is about the lips and all your doing is making your cheek bones noticeable. The color that you want to use for this is a light pink. If your skin tone is really white you should use a baby pink color, if you have darker or tan skin use a blush with a coral color to it.
While were on the cheeks go ahead and take a highlight color to the top of the apples of your cheeks. What this means is shimmery white or pink color to blend in so that the tops of your cheeks look pretty and shimmery. You can also put this on the tip of your nose and your cupids bow (the part of your upper lip that goes into a v).
On to the last part, the lips. Lydia's look is always about the lips. Big red lips are her theme. So what you want to do is find a color that suits you. Again its like with the blushes, if your tan or darker look for a coral color or a color with a slight orange tint to it. If your pretty fair look for a vibrant red or a red with a pink hue to it. If your not sure which color to use try them out on the back of your hand. I would chose between three and which ever looks the best on the back of your hand you should go with. Lip liner is optional. If you want to use it try to get as close to the lipstick color as possible. You don't want it to stand out to much. And if you want a trick to make your lips look fuller you can use the lip liner to shade in the corners of your mouth, leaving a small circle in the middle with no liner. What this does is create depth when you put on the lipstick. The part that has lip liner and lipstick should be slightly darker than the part with just lipstick, making your lips look fuller. Another trick is to take a white powder to that middle area and then blend. This also makes the lips fuller. Gloss is also optional, but if your going to use it use a clear color so it doesn't take away from the color of the lipstick.
So that is my tutorial for Lydia's makeup. If I ever get a camera or figure out how to upload videos from my phone I will put this up as my first tutorial. Hope you guys liked it an let me know what you think and if you want me to do someone else.
Ok first, of course, you start out with a clean face. Apply your moisturizer to make sure makeup goes on evenly and to keep you face looking fresh all day. Depending on your skin type you want to find a face primer that suits you. I have found that if you have dry skin the Victoria's Secret makeup primer is good and if you have oily skin you might want to use a Lancome or something that has something in it to suck up the oil throughout the day. Don't forget to put on eyeshadow primer. This keeps you eyes vibrant and fresh all day, and makes the eye shadow stand out with more pigmented color. After you do all of that, put on a foundation and powder that is light. She looks pretty pale in this series so keep it light.
First Im going to start off by doing the eyes. That way if there is any fall out from the shadow you can wipe it off and then put your foundation on for even face coverage. So to start with your going to take a brown with a slightly redish pigment to it, and put it along your crease. This is going to accentuate the depth of the eye. Then take a white shadow with a slight shimmer (not to much or it could over power the look) and put that across the lid. I like to do this step after the crease shadow is on so if i get the crease on the lid I can just wipe it off and cover it. Next your going to take a brown or black eyeliner(both colors would look good with this) and line the top of your eyelid. Don't do your water line. If you want something on your water line use white, because Holland Roden has wide looking eyes. Then put on your mascara, false eyelashes are optional but if you do put them on keep them thin. The point of Lydia's look isn't her eyes, its her lips. So you want to keep the eyes a little understated so the lips pop.
Next were going to move on to the cheeks. This one is really an easy step. There are two ways you can wear the blush. One is on the apples( the round part under your eyes) or you can define your cheeks with it, which is what I usually do. How you do this is by sucking in you cheeks and making a fish face. Take the blush and run it along the line that you see there. Don't get to much as again this look is about the lips and all your doing is making your cheek bones noticeable. The color that you want to use for this is a light pink. If your skin tone is really white you should use a baby pink color, if you have darker or tan skin use a blush with a coral color to it.
While were on the cheeks go ahead and take a highlight color to the top of the apples of your cheeks. What this means is shimmery white or pink color to blend in so that the tops of your cheeks look pretty and shimmery. You can also put this on the tip of your nose and your cupids bow (the part of your upper lip that goes into a v).
On to the last part, the lips. Lydia's look is always about the lips. Big red lips are her theme. So what you want to do is find a color that suits you. Again its like with the blushes, if your tan or darker look for a coral color or a color with a slight orange tint to it. If your pretty fair look for a vibrant red or a red with a pink hue to it. If your not sure which color to use try them out on the back of your hand. I would chose between three and which ever looks the best on the back of your hand you should go with. Lip liner is optional. If you want to use it try to get as close to the lipstick color as possible. You don't want it to stand out to much. And if you want a trick to make your lips look fuller you can use the lip liner to shade in the corners of your mouth, leaving a small circle in the middle with no liner. What this does is create depth when you put on the lipstick. The part that has lip liner and lipstick should be slightly darker than the part with just lipstick, making your lips look fuller. Another trick is to take a white powder to that middle area and then blend. This also makes the lips fuller. Gloss is also optional, but if your going to use it use a clear color so it doesn't take away from the color of the lipstick.
So that is my tutorial for Lydia's makeup. If I ever get a camera or figure out how to upload videos from my phone I will put this up as my first tutorial. Hope you guys liked it an let me know what you think and if you want me to do someone else.
Aug 2, 2012
Bands again...
So here are some more bands and songs I thought you should check out. This time Im not gonna do background on the groups. I am going to do 30 bands and songs though to make up for it.
1.) M.I.A- Paper Planes
2.) Corinne Bailey Rae- Put Your Records On
3.) T.A.T.U- All The Things She Said
4.) Bowling For Soup- Almost
5.) Ram Jam- Black Betty
6.) Genghis Tron- Board Up The House
7.) David Bowie- Bring Me The Disco King
8.) Enur- Calabria
9.) & Sons- Consolation Prize
10.) American Hi-Fi- Flavor Of The Week
11.) Poe- Control
12.) Fiona Apple- Criminal
13.) The Joy Formidable- Endtapes
14.) The Features- From Now On
15.) Manchild- Hard Wax
16.) Florence + The Machine- Heavy In Your Arms
17.) The Airborne Toxic Event- I Don't Want To Be On TV
18.) Garbage- I Think I'm Paranoid
19.) Black Light Burns- I Want You To
20.) Karen O, Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross- Immigrant Song
21.) Black Light Burns- It Rapes All In Its Path
22.) Kids Of 88- Just A Little Bit
23.) Debussy- La Plus Que Lente
24.) The Skints- Lay You Down
25.) Beck & Bat for Lashes- Let's Get Lost
26.) The Donnas- Don't Wait Up for Me
27.) Puscifer- Lighten Up Francis {JLE Dub Mix}
28.) Elvis Presley- A Little Less Conversation
29.) Tim Skold VS. KMFDM- Love Is Like
30.) Evanescence- Made Of Stone {Renholder Remix}
1.) M.I.A- Paper Planes
2.) Corinne Bailey Rae- Put Your Records On
3.) T.A.T.U- All The Things She Said
4.) Bowling For Soup- Almost
5.) Ram Jam- Black Betty
6.) Genghis Tron- Board Up The House
7.) David Bowie- Bring Me The Disco King
8.) Enur- Calabria
9.) & Sons- Consolation Prize
10.) American Hi-Fi- Flavor Of The Week
11.) Poe- Control
12.) Fiona Apple- Criminal
13.) The Joy Formidable- Endtapes
14.) The Features- From Now On
15.) Manchild- Hard Wax
16.) Florence + The Machine- Heavy In Your Arms
17.) The Airborne Toxic Event- I Don't Want To Be On TV
18.) Garbage- I Think I'm Paranoid
19.) Black Light Burns- I Want You To
20.) Karen O, Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross- Immigrant Song
21.) Black Light Burns- It Rapes All In Its Path
22.) Kids Of 88- Just A Little Bit
23.) Debussy- La Plus Que Lente
24.) The Skints- Lay You Down
25.) Beck & Bat for Lashes- Let's Get Lost
26.) The Donnas- Don't Wait Up for Me
27.) Puscifer- Lighten Up Francis {JLE Dub Mix}
28.) Elvis Presley- A Little Less Conversation
29.) Tim Skold VS. KMFDM- Love Is Like
30.) Evanescence- Made Of Stone {Renholder Remix}
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