Thought that I should just go ahead and name some bands on my Ipod so you guys can check them out and see if you like them. Im only going to list 10 bands with the number one song I like and give a little info about them.
1.) Skrillex: Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites-Sonny Moore who used to be in the band From First to Last created Skrillex and it is now his main project. I think its kinda fun to dance to.
2.) She Wants Revenge: Tear You Apart-Formed in 2003 by Justin Warfield and Adam Bravin. Biggest inspiration is Joy Division.
3.) The Donna's: Who Invited You- Started out in the 90's as a garage band and had a cult following to begin with. Now they are more know. This is my kick ass girl music.
4.) Nine Inch Nails: Only-The only offical member of NIN is Trent Reznor. He also collaborated with a few other for the American version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo's sountrack.
5.) The Naked And Famous: Frayed- A New Zealand indie electronic ensemble with an '80s post-punk influence. The vocalist is Alisa Xayalith. Her voice is so pretty.
6.) The Cure: Close To Me-The guitarist/vocalist is Robert Smith. Band started around the 70's. Was a goth band before goth was cool, but by the time goth was the thing to be The Cure had moved on from that genre.
7.) Placebo: Post Blue- David Bowie is a big influnce on this band. They have an androgynous look about them.
8.) Muse: Time Is Running Out-Released their first record in 1998. Band mates are from Europe.
9.) Bowling For Soup: Girl All The Bad Guys Want- Formed in 1994 in Texas.
10.)Barenaked Ladies: Postcards- Their music is humor set to pop music. Started in the 80's but the 1998 hit 'One Week' is what really made them famous.
So check out the bands and songs I mentioned if you want. I think they are all pretty good and all different so you should be able to find at least one song you like. I'll do another post like this some other time since this doesn't even come close to covering all of my musical taste.